As an artist, I am a conduit for what I experience, see and feel. When observing the world, I make visual connections and then produce painted representations of my unique response and process.
My paintings are usually a blend of fact, fiction and feeling. Overall, I am recording a personal perspective of the places I perceive rather than describing their generally accepted physicality. My art can be a snapshot of a fleeting moment or feeling but equally, it may also be concerned with what might be, could be or what I would prefer to be the case
All in all, my paintings are a testament to my view of the world, real or imagined.
Here follow the primary themes which have sustained my interest over the years:

The starting point for these cityscapes is usually reality. However, they quickly take on a quality that is more intuitive. The purpose of these works is to communicate the artist's emotional experience of a city and the impression it leaves rather than to describe if factually. A combination of observed drawing, abstraction and a playful, inventive use of materials, characterise these paintings.

The starting point for each artwork in the Dreamscape series is observed reality. Thereafter, I allow a more dreamlike, intuitive and romantic approach to take over my process. The work is intended to allow the viewer to escape to a place outside of reality, where time of day, season or even a need for plausibility, melt away.
Harmonious layers of merging colour, abstraction, embellishments and mark making as well an enjoyment of contrasting surfaces and textures, all characterise the works in this collection.
Harmonious layers of merging colour, abstraction, embellishments and mark making as well an enjoyment of contrasting surfaces and textures, all characterise the works in this collection.

This series is a no holds barred, full on presentation of colour and movement. These paintings feature vigorous mark making, technicolour palettes and texture you will want to touch.

This long standing series offers a lighthearted view of charming and quirky harbours and coastal villages. Vibrant colours, texture and sparkle are all typical in these uplifting scenes.

Slender paintings intended to bring elegance to those smaller spaces lacking identity. These paintings typically feature texture and a variety of metal leaf.

This series has grown my fascination for man's determination to build on challenging terrain or simply in elevated locations. Many of these artworks have been inspired by the rustic hilltop towns of France but not exclusively. Any settlement where the land has dictated the form and the layout of the architecture is visually very interesting for the artist.
These romantic paintings are created with a great deal of seductive texture, often featuring collage, impasto paint application and the opulent quantities of gold leaf.
These romantic paintings are created with a great deal of seductive texture, often featuring collage, impasto paint application and the opulent quantities of gold leaf.

'Head in the Clouds' is a dramatic collection of vigorously painted works which feature high key colour and substantial texture. While based on real locations, they are in the end, essentially abstract paintings which serve as great focal points within an interior.

These cityscapes are based upon my world travels. You may also be interested in the 'Scottish Cities' gallery on this site.
I have never seen cities as being foreboding places but rather, places of energy, motion and excitement.
I have never seen cities as being foreboding places but rather, places of energy, motion and excitement.

Architecture was my first love as a young art student and it is something I still very much appreciate today. This series explores ornate buildings in a more intimate way rather than entire cityscape scenes. Many of these paintings are laden with texture, mixed media and collage details.

My still life paintings are usually created by composing objects from around my home as a starting point. Thereafter, I use pattern, colour and texture in an intuitive and layered way, to add feeling, freedom and fancy.

I find drawing to be the most authentic and personal of all artistic activities. For me, it is the most direct and effective route to self expression and as such, it tends to be at the root of everything I create, whether visible in the final painting or not.